
Academic Integrity – Avoiding Plagiarism Academic integrity is the practice of maintaining ethics and values in research and publishing. Dishonest behaviors, such as cheating, plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication, are strictly unwelcome in research work.  Plagiarism denotes literary theft and it is a frightening word for researchers. An academic writer is […]

systematic review

UNDERSTANDING SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS What is Remdesivir’s effect in the treatment of COVID-19? In a primary care clinic, a physician frequently has to have comprehensive information to queries like this. To obtain the answers to a clinical inquiry like this, one must consult textbooks, consult a fellow physician, or browse an […]

Research paper writing

GETTING STARTED: SELECTING A THEME TO MAKE IT DISTINCTIVE Pick a research theme that piques your curiosity and presents you with the most hurdles. The amount of work and excitement you devote into your research may be determined by your perspective toward the subject. Concentrate on a certain aspect, such […]


DBA or a PhD? DBA and PhD: DBA is a doctorate degree in business management, while PhD is a doctorate degree in Philosophy. Subject: DBA is business-orientated course, whereas PhD degree can be achieved in any field of education. Scope: DBA is an applied program because it focuses on applying […]

Tips For Successfully Completing your PhD – Part

Date: June 21 & 22, 2024 Venue: ZOOM Writing a research paper may appear daunting and remain unfinished for months. The task of writing is not as stressful as it seems. This workshop on research paper writing will make the entire process of writing an interesting and a rewarding experience. This […]

statistical tools

Date: April 26 & 27, 2024 (5 pm to 8 pm) Venue: ZOOM Statistical workshop to overcome the fear of statistics, learn the basic tools and feel confident of analyzing your own data. No difficult-to-understand jargons! Simple language for anyone to understand and apply the techniques taught. Why this course? Knowledge is power. […]

remaining sane during covid-19

Sitting under forms of lockdown, one may easily give in to thoughts like ‘this will never end’ or feel like the end of the tunnel is a far way off. There is a lot to be anxious about, which is a normal response to any change be it a lockdown […]