remaining sane during covid-19

Sitting under forms of lockdown, one may easily give in to thoughts like ‘this will never end’ or feel like the end of the tunnel is a far way off. There is a lot to be anxious about, which is a normal response to any change be it a lockdown […]


Procrastination’s negative effect The procrastination trap is not just restricted to students, says Ferrari in his Still Procrastinating: The No Regret Guide to Getting It Done. It affects nearly 20% of working adults, too. Such procrastinators do not procrastinate occasionally, it’s a lifestyle issue. They default on their bills, start […]

Procrastination: The Bane of Researchers Part 1

It’s Monday morning, and the clock ticks away steadily. Satya is working furiously towards the completion of an assignment to be submitted by the deadline of three o’clock, all the while looking at the clock and vociferously cursing himself for delaying the work. How did this take place? Where did […]


Writing is an important part of researchers’ life as they spend a great deal of time in their academic careers writing essays, research papers, assignments or thesis. People who set foot in the field of academic research, or for that matter, anyone who attempts to articulate ideas through the written […]

Is a Doctorate Degree the Right Fit for You?

Chances are if you have been pursuing any form of higher education, someone has advised you to consider completing your doctorate. After all, the thought of having the title ‘Dr’ attached to your name and the lucrative prospects after your course finishes are definitely appealing. But as any PhD student […]


When you submit academic content for evaluation or publishing, it needs to be an original representation of your thoughts and efforts. This does not mean that you cannot be inspired by other’s research, it means that you need to provide credit where it is due.  When you present someone else’s […]