Motivation is a zealous wish or eagerness to carry on progressing towards a specific goal. Being constantly motivated is not easy for a researcher. With failures, poor results, peer pressure, and many other issues, discouragement can set in. “Somehow, push on!” say your loved ones. However, persevering with little motivation does not last. If one has no motivation, research becomes unsatisfactory and dull. That is a situation the researcher must avoid.
So, what does one do?
Here are some tips to help you along.
Recall the reason you became a researcher
Focus on your goal. This often happens in research when all the burdens of everyday life pulls us down. What made you become a researcher? Wanted to make a meaningful difference? Recall why you took up the research, and everything that is done is meaningful. Focus the big picture.
One becomes disheartened by endless mundane ‘must-do’ jobs. Ignore such jobs and concentrate on how to reach your bigger goal.
Take little steps
A research takes time to be completed. Deciding to reward oneself only on reaching the final goal can be daunting. Create small milestones and reward yourself on attaining them. This can make the journey fun.
Take imperfections in your stride
Expect that events will not go according to plan. Motivation takes a beating when one realizes that the set goal is not easy to reach. Is the goal unrealistic? The success stories on research one comes across hide the truth of a history of failures. So, expecting road humps and unplanned delays can help one to adapt, avoid discouragement, and remain motivated.
Have other passions
While struggling with low motivation, look for other things which fascinate you, and promote them. Get back to your older passions – music, sports, hiking, whatever. Carry out time investments towards these activities without feeling guilty. This investment will help your work, and perhaps spill over to your research.
Be smart
Trying to achieve too much can be overwhelming, which may result in loss of motivation. When tasks pile up, researchers work harder to the point that it becomes too much to handle. One needs to work smart instead. Such researchers remain constantly motivated. Look for efficient approaches for completing experiments sooner without compromise. Look for new technologies. Stay updated in your field.
Eat well and drink lots of water
Many researchers skip meals for completing their immediate tasks. This does not indicate that you are devoted to your work; quite the reverse. Skipping meals diminishes glucose levels in the blood, which is required for focusing. Provide good nutrition and hydration to the body for better moods and focus.