Chances are if you have been pursuing any form of higher education, someone has advised you to consider completing your doctorate. After all, the thought of having the title ‘Dr’ attached to your name and the lucrative prospects after your course finishes are definitely appealing. But as any PhD student will tell you, obtaining a doctorate degree is not nearly as easy as people would lead you to believe. Despite that, plenty of students apply for the opportunity to start their journey as a PhD student and with good reason.
If you are still undecided about your future, here are some pointers to help you. Determine if you have the qualities needed to make pursuing a PhD degree the right choice. (A PhD is just one option for a doctorate, but in this post, we will focus mainly on these degrees).
1.Interest in research
This may seem clichéd, but a PhD is a great opportunity to carry out research in a field that you are passionate about and to explore your field. If you are filled with a sense of curiosity, a PhD allows you the opportunity to search for answers, to make new discoveries and to try new things.
2. Helps you to fulfill necessary job requirements
For many job positions, such as the post of an assistant professor, having a PhD is crucial. In fact, being able to complete your PhD helps you to grow in your career, often allowing you to start a job at a higher position. In some cases, your promotion and higher positions might be dependent on you having this degree.
3.Personal achievement
Completing a PhD is not easy. From setting your own schedule to motivating yourself to write your thesis, each step requires a great deal of dedication and perseverance. If you are the sort of person who enjoys a challenge and relishes the thought of meeting your goals, then this is the right option for you. The completion of your PhD marks a monumental personal achievement.
4. Contribution to the compendium of existing knowledge
Among the various targets that you will hope to achieve by the time you complete your thesis, adding new information to the material that already exists is perhaps the most exciting. PhD scholars have the chance to provide the world with brand new information and findings, offering up something totally unique and novel to your fellow scholars and peers.
5. Contribution to society
If you want to give back to society, then a PhD provides an excellent venue for just that. The results you find and the conclusions you draw at the end of a PhD are not solely for the purpose of your project. They may provide fodder for future research projects. Improved methods that are discovered during the study may be beneficial to industries. Your contribution can help make the world a better place in some way, either big or small.
6. Improved skill-set
A PhD provides you with the unique opportunity to become an expert in the topic that you choose to study. You benefit from increased knowledge and expertise in your research area and have the potential to develop improved practical skills if you have been working in a laboratory. From communication to better organization, (even your writing skills get a boost), a PhD allows you to achieve an overall improved skill-set.
7.Other benefits
While these definitely should not be the first reasons why you opt for a PhD, they help to sweeten the deal. PhD holders are generally offered a higher starting salary than someone with just a Masters or a Bachelor’s degree. Additionally, in some job sectors, specific positions are reserved solely for PhD holders, meaning that your job prospects are improved.
If any of these points have struck a chord within you, then you might have the essential motivations needed to start and complete your PhD.
Which of these points meant the most to you? Do you have motivations that we might have missed out? Make sure to add them below.
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